Monday, October 5, 2009

Senior Year

This year I plan to accomplish many things. One of which is to get through the year without any problems. Also, I want to get a good score on my ACT and SAT tests that I am going to take in December. I also want to improve my grade point average. I also want to get accepted in to a good college because I will be the first in my family to get into college.
Some of the things I am looking forward to this year are the senior privileges, senior trip to Disney World, the military ball for JROTC, Field Day in JROTC, and getting the maximum rank that I can get in JROTC. What I would like to avoid this year is to get in trouble, fail, loose focus, have my grade point average drop, getting sick(which would keep me from attending school), choking up during the BFI inspection for JROTC, and falling behind in my duties as the S-3 for JROTC. My goals are to graduate high school, get into my ideal college, graduate from college, get many scholarships, and reach my highest potential that I can achieve during my last year in high school.

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