Thursday, December 17, 2009

Holiday differences

It's been two years since I've celebrated Christmas in the traditional american way. And to tell you the truth it's way different in Mexico than here. Over there, families have a type of doll that's suppose to resemble Jesus and they soothe it to "sleep" on Christmas eve. There is a separate holiday for presents. Here in America, presents are given on Christmas. It's really interesting to see the different "versions" of Christmas. Although, the same concept of someone giving presents to the little ones is the same. January sixth is when presents are given. The name of the holiday is Three Kings day. This holiday symbolizes the gift giving that the three wise-men gave back in the day. The thing that is really annoying is that the kids don't get to enjoy Three Kings day in Mexico like things kids in america enjoy christmas. The reason for this, they have school the next day. But come on, how cool is it to come to school the day after you got a new toy or something you've always wanted, I know my cousins think so. So there you go, a little something to think about this christmas.

Friday, December 11, 2009


So I was doing some research on charities and, well, I can't just choose one. So i decided to donate one fifth of the fifty grand to five different charaties. The first one, St. Jude's. The second, Big Brothers/ Big Sisters. I espetially liked this one because I believe that the reason teenagers are wild and out of control is because they don't have a role model or mentor, and with more people available to fit those roles there may be less troublesome teenagers. Third, A Child's Haven, which helps nurture children who have suffered some type of abuse. Fourth, A Favor Del Nino. This is a charity in mexico that takes in kids to help better their lives. And finally, Ayuda y Solidaridad con las Ninas de la Calle. This again is a charity in Mexico. This charity is about helping to take girls out of the street. Through out my multiple visits I've seen many girls out in the street working to earn food money, which also puts them in danger of being kidnapped. This charity shelters and protects street girls and helps them better their life.

Anyways, now onto my half. I would set aside $25,000 for college. The put away $12,500. And the rest would go to any expense like a car, rent, music, and video games/ consoles(yeah I'm a nerd so what?). I would also give my parents some money. In a way it'd be like paying them back for all that they've spent on me me.

So thats about it. Hope you like it.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Things that bug me.

Where to begin? So many things annoy me. For Starters, when someone in my family moves something in my room without telling me, I always get this feeling thats something is out of place and I rip my room apart and redo it if I can't find the misplaced object. Another thing is when I am always the last to know something important in my family. The decision is always final without any input, so I usually get stuck going places(with my entire family) that I'd rather avoid.
In school, the main thing that annoys me is when your standing in the lunch line and someone out of nowhere comes and skip you and five others. It doesn't matter if you say something they'll just keep doing it. I know it's something that's inevitable, but it still bugs be.
I also can't stand people who go on and on and on about something completely different the what you asked them. When this happens I usually just nod or say oh, but in my mind I'm going "SHUT UP THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I JUST ASKED YOU, AHHHHHH".
I can't stand the fact that when I try to do something for myself I never get any peace. The past month to month and a half, I've been studying for the SAT and ACT, and every time I studied during the day I could swear my brother and sister would take turns coming to me tattling on each other for just about the whole time I attempted to study. Also when I try to sleep during the day on saturdays it's the same thing, one after the other they come tattling on each other, it's so aggravating. Not many things bug me, but the things that do bug me a lot. If you don't fall under any of these you and I may get along pretty well.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Coat of Arms

It was hard for me to put a Coat of Arms together that described me. The web site we were given to make ours was limited. So I had to go search elsewhere. But I did find it useful for the template that was a plus. I did manage to find decent pictures and their meaning. I chose a bat which means awareness of the powers of darkness & chaos(I interpreted that as knowing how to identify evil or the bad in things), a serpent which means wisdom, a fish which means a true generous , and a wing which means swiftness and protection. The colors were pretty easy to get their meaning, gold meaning generosity & elevation of the mind , and blue meaning truth & loyalty. I learned that looks can be deceiving. The meaning behind each animal was a bit surprising. Who would have thought that a serpent meant wisdom, or that a fish meant a true generous mind.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dear soldier

I want to start off by thanking you for the sacrifice that you made by going out and fight for this country. I know that you probably have been told the same thing over and over right? Well not from me I'm going to give you a bit of an update about what's gone on over here. Last month the American Music Awards came on and there were some premieres like Shakira(who has just released a album) and her new single "Give It Up To Me" and Jennifer Lopez with "Louboutins" . Also Taylor Swift a new country artist, won 5 awards.Also Barack Obama won the 2009 nobel peace price.
Holidays were pretty good. Halloween was pretty exciting. Unfortunately Michael Jackson died over the summer. But there were a lot of tributes done. A local high school near where I live did a tribute to Thriller in a shopping area where my family and I went for trick or treating. I know your probably thinking your in high school what are you doing trick or treating Right? Well I don't think just because your getting older you should give up fun traditions. Things are as good as you make them to be, never forget that. Well I hope you make the best out of your holiday(s), we're rooting for you.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


There are many things to be grateful for, it's hard to go through my list. I guess I'll start off with my parents. They've been there for me every step I've taken in my life and guided me in the right direction. No matter what they have stuck by me, and put up with my attitude(for those of you who don't know me, I can stir up trouble for myself). I am also thankful for having the courage and stand out by taking the JROTC class. It has opened many doors for me and I've also met one of the greatest teachers or should I say instructors, 1sg Anaya. I am very thankful I've come across him because he is a great and respectable person, who has pushed me to achieve a higher potential that he knew I was capable of. Another thing I am thankful for is meeting Mrs. Ladd. She is a great and wonderful teacher who has made learning for me a bit easier. Also because she has helped me in my journey to college by making calls and getting me information about scholarships. I also give thanks for having a brother and sister. They are my inspiration to do good and excel. Without them I'm not sure what my life could have been like. There are many other things that I'd like to give thanks for, but I just can't seem to remember. Oh well, happy holiday.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

To those who influenced me

There are many people who have influenced me in my life but I can honestly say my sister and brother are the two people who influenced me the most. Since the birth my sister I was told when my sister grows up she will look up to me and she will want to do the same things as me. So since her birth I've been nothing but the best roll model as I could be for her. The six years later, with the birth of my brother the same speech was given to me about being looked up to by my little brother.
Ever since they were born, my sister and brother have been the two main influences in my life for who I am today. I know that by avoiding any temptations, my siblings won't fall into bad habits or any addictions because they don't see their big brother doing it, and that'll push me even more to do the right things knowing that I am doing my job as a good brother.
Another person who has influenced me was my good friend Jessica Crawford. When I met her I wasn't all to focused with school work and what not. But as I got to know her, little by little she started to rub of on me. Meaning she was the type of person who was really focused in what she did and had high grades which was what rubbed off.
My parents have also played a big part in my life. Knowing that they have done all they could to give me the best life they could give me, gives me the strength to continue on the same path I am now so later on I could return the favor to my parents. From here on out it's not just about me, but also my parents and my siblings for whom I am devoting my life to later.

Monday, November 16, 2009


The I-movie project was simple and easy. I believe I did a pretty good job. My project was on Edgar Degas. I wasn't too familiar with him, but I have hear of him, so there was a few things I learned. Degas was regarded as one of the founders of impressionism, and that he was influenced by Walter Sickert.
I didn't really learn much about the I-movie program because I was already familiar with it.It was a fairly easy program to use. I did have one problem though, getting the text up with the pictures.
Something new I learned was with the text. Before I was only able to get the text in a separate slide, but now I was able to get it on top of the picture. Skills that I have acquired were how to use use I-movie more that I did. Also my research skills have improved because we had to gather information to put with each picture. In the end I familiarized myself more with Edgar Degas. I also upped my skills with I-movie. And I had fun while doing it.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The economy AHHHHHHHHHH.

Slowly the economy became worse and worse, and now it's horrible. But there is a bright side, at least for me. Currently I don't have any expenses that a typical teenager has, car payment, car insurance, or paying for gas. But as a senior in high school there are a few expenses that I will have to deal with. I lucked out with quite a few expenses though, thanks to the economy.
I get free lunch which opened a door for me. I don't have to pay to take the SAT or ACT because I get free lunch(free or reduced lunch recipients can get in on this). See I am able to use a fee waiver for the SAT and/or ACT which is really handy in this economy. Also thanks to those waivers I can get another waiver for a college application how awesome is that.
Senior expenses are something I don't quite have to worry about right now, but I will later in the year. Saving for those expenses are what I am doing now so that when the time comes I don't rush to get the money or have to miss out due to procrastination.
I'm not saying the economy should continue how it is, but I would like to get whatever I can during this time period. There are opportunities out there that I am willing to seek to help me out with any expenses.
Although the economy is bad it really hasn't affected my family all that much. But it is hard to get a job, which I seeking for any extra cash I may need later in college. But honestly I think I may have lucked out.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Who's the evilest of them all???

Lady Macbeth that's who. Ever since she got word that Macbeth was to be Thane of Cawdor, she has been either influencing Macbeth or pushing him. If you recall when she first found out Macbeth was to be Thane of Cawdor, she said,"Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty!", as if she wasn't evil enough to begin with she asks for more power to go through with the murder of Duncan. She sets everything up for Macbeth to kill Duncan, and even says she would have killed Duncan herself if he didn't resemble her own father, at least she is loyal to her family.

Let's go back a bit, another example of her cruelty is when she says that she would even kill a baby while she is breast feeding it, who would actually be cruel enough to do that aside from herself.

Lady Macbeth is and always will be the evilest character from Macbeth to me. Her cruelty surpassed that of Macbeth, who was the one who actually committed the crimes. She has a black heart and sick mind to show for high level of evil. I am beginning to wonder, what if she partnered up with Hitler? Hussein? Would their attempts have succeeded? Could she have pushed them as she did Macbeth if she was real? She may not have murdered like Hitler or Hussein did but she has a similar mind as them, so could she have if given the opportunity? Only the imagination can tell. Although we all know she would.

Real life Macbeth

I believe that Hiter would be considered a modern Macbeth. Why? Well to begin with he shared pretty much the same plot as Macbeth did, getting rid of one or more people to obtain something of their desire. Such as with Hitler, killing those he thought were inperfect for his ideal society, and with Macbeth killing Duncan to obtain his thrown he was "promised" by the three witches. And now with with Macbeth's killing of Banquo, he is that much closer but also so far as Hitler was to obtain his goal of supreme ruler, but we all know how it is going to end.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Right now my life is very stressful due to deadlines, scholarship searches, applications, and JROTC. Even though I may look calm but in reality I'm a mess, so I rely on music to soothe my stress and helps me relax when I get home.

Usually I listen to pop/rock, but when I get really stressed I turn to Mozart and Beethoven.

My stress comes from two sources, school and home. My stress from school comes from getting the grades I want which right now I'm trying to get straight A's to bring up my Grade Point Average. Also from my JROTC class, as the S-3(the Operations and training Officer) I do a lot, like making lists for events, putting in bus requests on time, getting the training schedules out in time, and during later in the year we have the BFI(Battalion Formal Inspection) which is an inspection where the army comes and inspects the Bayshore High School Battalion and decides whether we keep our gold star and get demoted, but I can handle it even though I do get stressed out by it I enjoy it all the way.

As for my stress that comes from home, it mostly deals with college stuff. Like right now I recently got the practice or study books for the SAT and ACT from one of the greatest teachers, so now I need to crack down and study any moment I can between rifle team practice on Monday's, volunteering on Tuesday's and Thursday's, and staff meetings on Fridays, and family events that tend to sneak up on me on the weekends, but hey I got this far so I can't quit.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

School Grade

Bayshore has been a "D" school not because of the teachers or administrators, but because of the lack of enthusiasm from the student body. Teachers do all they can do to prepare students for the FCAT but not many students take it seriously and blow off any assignment they are given or claim they do not know how to do it or some other excuse.

If I were principal the steps I would take to improve our school grade, 1, get the parents together to inform them of the school grade and how they can help their student(s) to get them more focused , and 2, I would try to motivate the students by offering them small tokens but that are meaningful to them that would get them excited and motivated to achieve a high grade on the FCAT, which is where our school grade comes from.

As for things that ned to be changed or added, I believe more tutoring programs should be added. And to be changed are teachers. Why? Because there are many teachers who are to easy on students or are very lenient and give them to much of a free ride and students won't learn if given the opportunity to slack or are aware that the teacher is easy going.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Jessica and I can across a few obstacles such as our lack of drawing skills and forgetting it at home(that one was all me) and not being able to find any good pictures of objects to draw like a plane crash or a boat. But other that that I think and feel pretty good on our final draft and I believe it may even be a best seller in board games(I'm only kidding) but it is a fairly good game and it isn't difficult and even a elementary school kid could play but may not be able to follow due to the lack of knowledge from the book.

One thing I did learn from the book is that given certain circumstances people even little kids are capable of murder. About myself, I learned that I need a better system for remembering things because we lost a day of working on the project because i left it at home, but other than that I don't think I learned anything.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What if.....

What if I was an only child? My life would be completely different. To me my brother and sister are two of the most important people in my life, along with my parents. Yes we have our arguments and fights, but they are two reasons why I reach for the highest goal that I can, and why I managed to keep from falling onto the wrong path. They are a motivation for what I do and why I excel, they mean a lot to me, no matter how much we argue or fight. So if I was an only child I wouldn't have the grades I have, I wouldn't have achieved all I've achieved, and I would possibly be a trouble maker, I might have dropped out of school or skip school a lot.

So what I'm saying is that if I was an only child my life would be the complete opposite and my parents would be miserable due to my horrid and inappropriate behavior.
But thankfully it never happened, and I am who I am thanks to my siblings who are my inspiration to keep me from "falling from grace."

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Some of the challenges that I am or will face are getting my diploma, getting a great score on my SAT and ACT, improving my grade point average, getting scholarships, and getting accepted into a college.

What I plan to do to overcome is not easy, and requires something of me that I've never done before, studying. Studying never came easy to me, so somehow I was able to retain an immense amount of information without studying, and I managed to obtain six A's and one B(which always irritated me because the B was always one or two points from an A). As for the ACT and SAT I need to go and get the study books, and study. Scholarships will take a lot of research to find ones that I am perfectly qualified to apply for. Finally, getting into college will require meeting deadlines, and filling out applications.

So in the end I have to keep myself from slacking and make sure everything is in and done on time and how it's supposed to be done.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Letter to a Freshman

Dear freshman,
It is your first year of high school and it is one of the most important years of your high school years, so I recommend staying focused and never get off track because it is hard to to make up what you messed up and getting in all that you need to graduate.
See, during my freshman year it was hard for me at first to get adjusted to the way things run in high school so I didn't do so great, but you have the opportunity to keep yourself from going down that road by applying yourself 100 times better than I did. How you may ask? Well I learned to "up" my game by asking questions when I needed, or asked for help when I needed it because if you don't you may find yourself not caring or saying "I'll do it later" and never getting around to do it.
One of the best things that helped me was the JROTC class. I'm not saying that it is for everyone, but it's was a great help for me in getting my priorities straight and now I took am honor class or two the following years.
So in the end Don't follow the typical track of a freshman, and don't let yourself be influenced by your peers no matter what they say, just follow your gut in what needs to be done and you will achieve great things.
A concerned senior

Monday, October 5, 2009

Senior Year

This year I plan to accomplish many things. One of which is to get through the year without any problems. Also, I want to get a good score on my ACT and SAT tests that I am going to take in December. I also want to improve my grade point average. I also want to get accepted in to a good college because I will be the first in my family to get into college.
Some of the things I am looking forward to this year are the senior privileges, senior trip to Disney World, the military ball for JROTC, Field Day in JROTC, and getting the maximum rank that I can get in JROTC. What I would like to avoid this year is to get in trouble, fail, loose focus, have my grade point average drop, getting sick(which would keep me from attending school), choking up during the BFI inspection for JROTC, and falling behind in my duties as the S-3 for JROTC. My goals are to graduate high school, get into my ideal college, graduate from college, get many scholarships, and reach my highest potential that I can achieve during my last year in high school.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Jessica & I teamed up to work on the Lord of The Flies project and we decided to do the game.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I'm new to blogging so I'm not familiar with it, but it's got my interest.