Thursday, April 29, 2010

English Transcendentalism Project

My Project was pretty interesting. I started out with a couple of pictures of me. Then throughout the slide show I had pictures of animals and awesome random pictures I took of nature. There was one particular that I hoped would make people go "huh??". It was the one of the fence, but it wasn't the fence or the house behind it that I was showing but the sun rays or sunlight that I captured in that picture. I thought it was awesome.

I took some pictures while at Jungle Gardens and some at Lowry Park Zoo. The ones with the odd angles I got bored and decided to get creative. And then there were the ones of my gecko. He cooperated very much while I took the pictures. After though, he ran crazy. Now the one picture of the meerkats..... everyone though it was hilarious. I don't get why or how the pictures' meaning or view I had on it was completely changed.

Anyways, I felt my slide show was great and everyone got a good laugh out of it.

If I can get it to work, here is my video version of my project.

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