Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Texting while driving.

Do I text while driving? No and the reason is simple, I don't drive yet, but even If I did, it's common sense not to do the two together because if you do your just asking for an accident. Fortunately I've never been in a car with someone who texts while driving. Usually if I'm with someone who's driving and receives a text message they may ask me to read it to them and respond to it for them( in this situation it's usually my parents) or if it's a friend they may ask me to read and respond or they'll just wait until we fully stop. As for talking on your cell phone, get a bluetooth device they're really inexpensive now, so people can't complain about the price. Now if you're resistant to getting one, then just wait until you can stop somewhere or until you get where you need to go.

There are a few things that could be done to stop or at least minimize the amount of people who text whole driving, but it could go either way ( it could encourage safety or push people to do it more to prove a point). Showing education videos on the dangers of texting while driving could be a key component in reducing those amount of people who do. Also showing those videos to younger kids could get them in a mind set of " I won't ever try that, that's crazy" because frankly, little kids are easy to scare so that may be a good way to stop the next generation from following in our footsteps.

The video we saw today had some impact on me. It might've had more of an impact if I drove or if I rode with people who text while driving, but never the less I felt something. I can't believe poeple don't use common sense when put in this kind of situation. It would hurt to show the video on tv it could actually make a difference it my opinion. Maybe if my sister saw seom educational videos, she might rethink her desire for a cell phone.

1 comment:

Swanson said...

You did a nice job responding to the video and answering all of the questions.