Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CHallenge #9

I want to start off by saying that updating your Facebook, Twitter, or even your Myspace as soon as you wake up or before going to bed is ridiculous. Obviously you don't have much of a life if you're doing that. What ever happened to gently getting out of bed to start off your day?? Also for those who update their profile with multiple pictures. Who does that?? Unfortunately I know someone who has posted in one day between 50 to 100 pictures of themselves.

I can't really limit myself to just one topic so I'm hitting them all.

Sending over 200 text messages in a day is insane. Who does that?? I text but not as much as I did when I first got my phone. I mean everyone goes a little over board when they first get a phone, but not as bad as 200 texts or more a day. I guess this is more of a maturity issue amongst teenagers.

Hear ye , hear ye, I need to answer this hold on. Isn't that just the most annoying thing someone could say to when your desperately trying to get your point across. According to a poll, 22% of people under the age of 25 make interruptions in meetings, and and 24% when they're using the bathroom. That is the last thing you want to know, see or hear when you're doing your business you know??

These issues can be avoided if you use common sense or if you have enough respect for others.

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