Monday, November 9, 2009

Who's the evilest of them all???

Lady Macbeth that's who. Ever since she got word that Macbeth was to be Thane of Cawdor, she has been either influencing Macbeth or pushing him. If you recall when she first found out Macbeth was to be Thane of Cawdor, she said,"Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty!", as if she wasn't evil enough to begin with she asks for more power to go through with the murder of Duncan. She sets everything up for Macbeth to kill Duncan, and even says she would have killed Duncan herself if he didn't resemble her own father, at least she is loyal to her family.

Let's go back a bit, another example of her cruelty is when she says that she would even kill a baby while she is breast feeding it, who would actually be cruel enough to do that aside from herself.

Lady Macbeth is and always will be the evilest character from Macbeth to me. Her cruelty surpassed that of Macbeth, who was the one who actually committed the crimes. She has a black heart and sick mind to show for high level of evil. I am beginning to wonder, what if she partnered up with Hitler? Hussein? Would their attempts have succeeded? Could she have pushed them as she did Macbeth if she was real? She may not have murdered like Hitler or Hussein did but she has a similar mind as them, so could she have if given the opportunity? Only the imagination can tell. Although we all know she would.

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