Thursday, November 12, 2009

The economy AHHHHHHHHHH.

Slowly the economy became worse and worse, and now it's horrible. But there is a bright side, at least for me. Currently I don't have any expenses that a typical teenager has, car payment, car insurance, or paying for gas. But as a senior in high school there are a few expenses that I will have to deal with. I lucked out with quite a few expenses though, thanks to the economy.
I get free lunch which opened a door for me. I don't have to pay to take the SAT or ACT because I get free lunch(free or reduced lunch recipients can get in on this). See I am able to use a fee waiver for the SAT and/or ACT which is really handy in this economy. Also thanks to those waivers I can get another waiver for a college application how awesome is that.
Senior expenses are something I don't quite have to worry about right now, but I will later in the year. Saving for those expenses are what I am doing now so that when the time comes I don't rush to get the money or have to miss out due to procrastination.
I'm not saying the economy should continue how it is, but I would like to get whatever I can during this time period. There are opportunities out there that I am willing to seek to help me out with any expenses.
Although the economy is bad it really hasn't affected my family all that much. But it is hard to get a job, which I seeking for any extra cash I may need later in college. But honestly I think I may have lucked out.

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