Wednesday, November 18, 2009

To those who influenced me

There are many people who have influenced me in my life but I can honestly say my sister and brother are the two people who influenced me the most. Since the birth my sister I was told when my sister grows up she will look up to me and she will want to do the same things as me. So since her birth I've been nothing but the best roll model as I could be for her. The six years later, with the birth of my brother the same speech was given to me about being looked up to by my little brother.
Ever since they were born, my sister and brother have been the two main influences in my life for who I am today. I know that by avoiding any temptations, my siblings won't fall into bad habits or any addictions because they don't see their big brother doing it, and that'll push me even more to do the right things knowing that I am doing my job as a good brother.
Another person who has influenced me was my good friend Jessica Crawford. When I met her I wasn't all to focused with school work and what not. But as I got to know her, little by little she started to rub of on me. Meaning she was the type of person who was really focused in what she did and had high grades which was what rubbed off.
My parents have also played a big part in my life. Knowing that they have done all they could to give me the best life they could give me, gives me the strength to continue on the same path I am now so later on I could return the favor to my parents. From here on out it's not just about me, but also my parents and my siblings for whom I am devoting my life to later.

1 comment:

Swanson said...

I bet you are the hero to your brother sister. You have made yourself the role model and I'm sure both look up to you.