Friday, April 30, 2010

Free Blog.

Prompt, 25 Things I wouldn't do.

Go sky diving.
Go on a reality t.v. show.
Touch a scorpion.
Chew aluminum foil.
Go into shark infested waters.
Have a pet spider.
Do drugs.
Kill someone.
Poke a sleeping bear with a stick.
Jump off a building.
Start a fight for no reason.
Commit suicide.
Purposely crash a car.
Kill an animal.
Cheat in a relationship.
Ride on a boat.
Go back to Mexico.
Drink blood.
Cheat on a test.
Date an ex again.
Eat cauliflower.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

English Transcendentalism Project

My Project was pretty interesting. I started out with a couple of pictures of me. Then throughout the slide show I had pictures of animals and awesome random pictures I took of nature. There was one particular that I hoped would make people go "huh??". It was the one of the fence, but it wasn't the fence or the house behind it that I was showing but the sun rays or sunlight that I captured in that picture. I thought it was awesome.

I took some pictures while at Jungle Gardens and some at Lowry Park Zoo. The ones with the odd angles I got bored and decided to get creative. And then there were the ones of my gecko. He cooperated very much while I took the pictures. After though, he ran crazy. Now the one picture of the meerkats..... everyone though it was hilarious. I don't get why or how the pictures' meaning or view I had on it was completely changed.

Anyways, I felt my slide show was great and everyone got a good laugh out of it.

If I can get it to work, here is my video version of my project.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Blog Challenge #7

So this guy went to Hong Kong over his spring break which was probably after ours. I pretty complemented his over all blog and if he could give some feedback of his trip.

This guys is building a space station on a program off of google. I asked him to post a picture of it when he was done and I wished him good luck.

This blog is a class blog. The teacher is nice and has given some advice on the whole getting comments thing.
She posted about tongue twisters and I gave her feedback with my experiences with tonguet twisters and said that I couldn't wait to see more on her blog.

So these are the blogs I visited today.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is for you.

It took me a while to find the one quote I liked the bestand that meant something to me but I found it.
This quote, to me means that you are your only person and that no matter what your always there for yourself. Also, do what you want, live how you want to live because in the end your you.

I picked this one because in a way it spoke to me. I live by this. I am who I am, no one can or will change me.

Now a days it sometimes can be hard to be true to yourself because of all the stereo typical views that the world has. So because of that I wasn't true to myself three years ago. As I progressed in high school I saw things differently. Don't get me wrong there were times that I didn't care, but due to how reality is at times, well you get the picture. Then finally I said "what the heck, it's my life & no one can tell me otherwise". So from then on I lived as myself.
Now it may not say or speak the same way to you as it did to me, but I don't think there is a right way to interprete something that was said so many years ago. I believe that something like that means what one wants it to mean, because in the end you are all that there is for you.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010




My Duradango is still a work in progress. Even though it seems like I'm done, but there is still much to be done. I found that if you concentrate on a single spot until it gets really shiny. I made two just in case one got lost. But, turns out there was another reason. I messed up on the first but tried another approach on the second one. As you can see it worked out a lot better. Actually the first picture is the first one, just sanded down. I also helped Becca with hers. Unfortunately hers i being very difficult. It's really hard to get a good shine on hers. We tried sanding it down, but it's still not cooperating. Anyways, I'm going to take them home, hopefully I can get them to shine.

Friday, April 16, 2010


I don't there really is much we can do to get others to comment our blogs. The sad part is that many of them are probably only blogging for a grade not because they care. Good news is I have gotten one comment. But only once.

But, there may be some things that could be done to get comments.

Make them feel really good about their post.
See if you have anything in common just by visiting their blog.
Keep badgering them with comments until they comment back.

That's what I think, it may work I'm actually trying that this time cross your fingers.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

MY Dream Board

Challenge #5

I think we should to an extent. My reason is this, we spend time imputing our thoughts on our blogs which is basically us creating something right? So why shouldn't we have a creative commons license?
I mean, if there is some kid across the nation or the world that looks at our blog and thinks,"hmm.. I think I could use this for my essay" or whatever their assignment is. How would you feel if that kid ended up becoming famous because he stole your words? And now when you would try to sue him/her you get screwed over because now they're trying to sue you for wrongly suing them with no evidence.

The limitation would be the fact that we go out and look for pictures from the internet which then go on our blogs. Now if we go and get the license, we may get in trouble for using pictures that may be subjected to copyrights.

So honestly, I do think we should get the license but then again, it may not be such a good idea. Now after rereading what I just wrote, I'm rethinking my opinion. Great, I hate being indecisive. Oh well, I'll stick to it. Hope no one visits my blog and tries to use it without reading it, because I then may subject it to copyrights. HAHAHAHAHA.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Break

I kicked off my spring break with the Military Ball. Military ball is part of the JROTC program which all the high school get together for one night in a formal setting. I had a blast, the one thing never thought I'd do I did, dance. This was my second time going and well, I can't really explain it, I felt great. It was an amazing night and it was way better than I thought it would be. I figured that all the JROTC staff members would have to sit together. Thankfully that wasn't the case. Everyone got to sit with whoever they wanted with no problem. The one thing that sucked, though, was that at the end of the night it rained. Other than that, it was the best night this year.

After the dance I pretty much stayed home all week. There really wasn't much for me to do. From time to time I did go for a walk at the park with my brother and sister. The week went really fast for me, guess it's because I got out of bed at eleven each day, ha.

The last and most exciting day of the break was Easter sunday. My brother was so impatient throughout the day. Eventually he got his Easter egg hunt. Usually we go out to a park with a lake with the whole family, but this year we stayed home and had family friends over.

Well that was my Spring Break and Easter.