Monday, May 24, 2010


This class has been an interesting and difficult one. Throughout the year we've had to post about anything and everything we did in our art and english classes which was pretty fun. Being able to post and seeing what everyone else posted as well was a good way of kinda getting to know my classmates.

Art and I never really got along, but this art class wasn't like those I've had in the past. It wasn't just about drawing or smashing things together. It was one of the best classes I had in high school. We made video projects as well as playing with dirt(we made duradangos). When we first started we read Lord of The Flies in English and for the art class we could choose from different types of projects to do on the book and we were allowed to partner up. So, Jessica and I decided to make a board game. It included main events from the book and it was pretty fun and a few classmates played it and seemed to like it. Our end of the year project was a video of ourselves. Our plans, a bit on who we are, and anything else we wanted to include. It was very difficult to complete because since we only had four cameras then six, we had to share them, so it took time to get footage.

This year was what I expected it to be, interesting. It was fun and yes there are things that could've been better but over all I liked it. It was a pleasure being in your class Mrs. Swanson.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fair Well.

Time has come & gone once again, and now we are the ones sitting here today. We've watched many walk & get praised, and now it's our team. This year was suppose to be the highlight of our high school years, but only depending on how you see it. Some of us have suffered losses, while others have gained a variety of things. Whatever the case may be, we will leave here today, well at least I think we will, with a bit more knowledge of how to start off in the real world, and hopefully how to survive.

No matter what you've chosen to do, whether it's joining the military, going to college, or going straight into the workforce, you are starting the next part of your life and building the foundation to the rest of your life.

I'm pretty sure you all have classmates, teachers and family members you want to give thanks to for all the support and help they gave you to get this far. So why not take the time to do that now?

With these words I part from you all and I wish you the best and may you dream big and achieve all you aim for.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


  • How many posts did you write?
  • 64 after this one.
  • How many were school based or your own interests?
  • School: To many to count.
  • How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers or overseas students?
  • I've received 41 comments.
  • Which post received the most comments? Why do you think that happened?
  • The one about thing that bug me.
  • Which post did you enjoy writing the most and why?
  • The one about things that bug me because that's when I had the most to say.
  • Did you change blog themes at all and why?
  • No I don't think so.
  • How many widgets do you have? Do you think this is too many or not enough?
  • I don't think so.

  • Rebecca is answering these.
  • What were your first impressions of this blog?
  • It's dark. *pulls out a flashlight*
  • What captured your attention?
  • What distracted you on the blog?
  • Cassie talking to me about her movie.
  • What suggestions can you give me to improve my blog?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CHallenge #9

I want to start off by saying that updating your Facebook, Twitter, or even your Myspace as soon as you wake up or before going to bed is ridiculous. Obviously you don't have much of a life if you're doing that. What ever happened to gently getting out of bed to start off your day?? Also for those who update their profile with multiple pictures. Who does that?? Unfortunately I know someone who has posted in one day between 50 to 100 pictures of themselves.

I can't really limit myself to just one topic so I'm hitting them all.

Sending over 200 text messages in a day is insane. Who does that?? I text but not as much as I did when I first got my phone. I mean everyone goes a little over board when they first get a phone, but not as bad as 200 texts or more a day. I guess this is more of a maturity issue amongst teenagers.

Hear ye , hear ye, I need to answer this hold on. Isn't that just the most annoying thing someone could say to when your desperately trying to get your point across. According to a poll, 22% of people under the age of 25 make interruptions in meetings, and and 24% when they're using the bathroom. That is the last thing you want to know, see or hear when you're doing your business you know??

These issues can be avoided if you use common sense or if you have enough respect for others.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Texting while driving.(Again)

Oprah has once again reached out to America on a big issue that has put many lives in danger. She has come up with a pledge for those who are or want to be against texting while driving.
I do not need to take any pledge because I do not drive let alone text while driving. So basically I'm set. Anyways Orah has a good idea with the whole pledge thing. There are many who wish they could completely eradicate the concept of texting while driving, and with this it could be seen soon. Yes there are those who will think they won't get caught or that they won't get in trouble for doing it, but in reality you will get a pulled over and get a ticket.

If you really need to take a call or a text that can't wait until you completely stop, then the smart thing to do is to pull over. This is something you should do if you want to avoid a $60 plus fine and 6 points on your license. By the way that is what you have to face here in Florida. If you have this money to spare especially in the economic crisis we are in, then good luck to you especially since you may be without a vehicle.

Is it really worth getting into an accident just to read a text saying"LOL". I mean that is the main thing that is texted in the texting community isn't it?? I for one value my life what about you? Then again I don't drive, but if I did it's common sense not to text while driving in the first place.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Free Blog.

Prompt, 25 Things I wouldn't do.

Go sky diving.
Go on a reality t.v. show.
Touch a scorpion.
Chew aluminum foil.
Go into shark infested waters.
Have a pet spider.
Do drugs.
Kill someone.
Poke a sleeping bear with a stick.
Jump off a building.
Start a fight for no reason.
Commit suicide.
Purposely crash a car.
Kill an animal.
Cheat in a relationship.
Ride on a boat.
Go back to Mexico.
Drink blood.
Cheat on a test.
Date an ex again.
Eat cauliflower.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

English Transcendentalism Project

My Project was pretty interesting. I started out with a couple of pictures of me. Then throughout the slide show I had pictures of animals and awesome random pictures I took of nature. There was one particular that I hoped would make people go "huh??". It was the one of the fence, but it wasn't the fence or the house behind it that I was showing but the sun rays or sunlight that I captured in that picture. I thought it was awesome.

I took some pictures while at Jungle Gardens and some at Lowry Park Zoo. The ones with the odd angles I got bored and decided to get creative. And then there were the ones of my gecko. He cooperated very much while I took the pictures. After though, he ran crazy. Now the one picture of the meerkats..... everyone though it was hilarious. I don't get why or how the pictures' meaning or view I had on it was completely changed.

Anyways, I felt my slide show was great and everyone got a good laugh out of it.

If I can get it to work, here is my video version of my project.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Blog Challenge #7

So this guy went to Hong Kong over his spring break which was probably after ours. I pretty complemented his over all blog and if he could give some feedback of his trip.

This guys is building a space station on a program off of google. I asked him to post a picture of it when he was done and I wished him good luck.

This blog is a class blog. The teacher is nice and has given some advice on the whole getting comments thing.
She posted about tongue twisters and I gave her feedback with my experiences with tonguet twisters and said that I couldn't wait to see more on her blog.

So these are the blogs I visited today.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is for you.

It took me a while to find the one quote I liked the bestand that meant something to me but I found it.
This quote, to me means that you are your only person and that no matter what your always there for yourself. Also, do what you want, live how you want to live because in the end your you.

I picked this one because in a way it spoke to me. I live by this. I am who I am, no one can or will change me.

Now a days it sometimes can be hard to be true to yourself because of all the stereo typical views that the world has. So because of that I wasn't true to myself three years ago. As I progressed in high school I saw things differently. Don't get me wrong there were times that I didn't care, but due to how reality is at times, well you get the picture. Then finally I said "what the heck, it's my life & no one can tell me otherwise". So from then on I lived as myself.
Now it may not say or speak the same way to you as it did to me, but I don't think there is a right way to interprete something that was said so many years ago. I believe that something like that means what one wants it to mean, because in the end you are all that there is for you.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010




My Duradango is still a work in progress. Even though it seems like I'm done, but there is still much to be done. I found that if you concentrate on a single spot until it gets really shiny. I made two just in case one got lost. But, turns out there was another reason. I messed up on the first but tried another approach on the second one. As you can see it worked out a lot better. Actually the first picture is the first one, just sanded down. I also helped Becca with hers. Unfortunately hers i being very difficult. It's really hard to get a good shine on hers. We tried sanding it down, but it's still not cooperating. Anyways, I'm going to take them home, hopefully I can get them to shine.

Friday, April 16, 2010


I don't there really is much we can do to get others to comment our blogs. The sad part is that many of them are probably only blogging for a grade not because they care. Good news is I have gotten one comment. But only once.

But, there may be some things that could be done to get comments.

Make them feel really good about their post.
See if you have anything in common just by visiting their blog.
Keep badgering them with comments until they comment back.

That's what I think, it may work I'm actually trying that this time cross your fingers.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

MY Dream Board

Challenge #5

I think we should to an extent. My reason is this, we spend time imputing our thoughts on our blogs which is basically us creating something right? So why shouldn't we have a creative commons license?
I mean, if there is some kid across the nation or the world that looks at our blog and thinks,"hmm.. I think I could use this for my essay" or whatever their assignment is. How would you feel if that kid ended up becoming famous because he stole your words? And now when you would try to sue him/her you get screwed over because now they're trying to sue you for wrongly suing them with no evidence.

The limitation would be the fact that we go out and look for pictures from the internet which then go on our blogs. Now if we go and get the license, we may get in trouble for using pictures that may be subjected to copyrights.

So honestly, I do think we should get the license but then again, it may not be such a good idea. Now after rereading what I just wrote, I'm rethinking my opinion. Great, I hate being indecisive. Oh well, I'll stick to it. Hope no one visits my blog and tries to use it without reading it, because I then may subject it to copyrights. HAHAHAHAHA.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Break

I kicked off my spring break with the Military Ball. Military ball is part of the JROTC program which all the high school get together for one night in a formal setting. I had a blast, the one thing never thought I'd do I did, dance. This was my second time going and well, I can't really explain it, I felt great. It was an amazing night and it was way better than I thought it would be. I figured that all the JROTC staff members would have to sit together. Thankfully that wasn't the case. Everyone got to sit with whoever they wanted with no problem. The one thing that sucked, though, was that at the end of the night it rained. Other than that, it was the best night this year.

After the dance I pretty much stayed home all week. There really wasn't much for me to do. From time to time I did go for a walk at the park with my brother and sister. The week went really fast for me, guess it's because I got out of bed at eleven each day, ha.

The last and most exciting day of the break was Easter sunday. My brother was so impatient throughout the day. Eventually he got his Easter egg hunt. Usually we go out to a park with a lake with the whole family, but this year we stayed home and had family friends over.

Well that was my Spring Break and Easter.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blogging Challenge #4

Ever since I was little I've felt strongly about keeping our environment safe and clean. I'm not sure why, could it possibly be because I was born on earth day? Maybe. Never the less, I've done what I can to keep it clean.

At home I pretty much got my family more environmentally friendly. We have a separate container for small plastic wrappers amongst other plastic related objects. Then we give it to a friend who takes it to a place where they recycle plastic. Also, we recycle aluminum cans. Now you may think that everyone does, but unfortunately they don't. I have witnessed people throw away their soda cans and other recyclable cans. It drives me nuts, why I don't know. The same goes with plastic bottles. My family meaning my parents and siblings recycle them but not the rest of my family. Why? I think it's because they don't care.

Another little thing I do is carpool. Frankly, if we live like five minutes away by walking, one of us can walk it. I think it's stupid to waste or I meaning produce more CO2 when it can be avoided.

I feel strongly about saving our environment and keeping clean and that's that. I don't care if people call me a hippie or whatever, I won't change.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blogging Challenge #3.

I live in a pretty calm neighborhood (well, most of the time). Honestly, it's pretty nice. Although it's not the best of the best but it's what I call home. The neighbors are pretty nice and generous. The only thing that's really annoying is that there are always little kids running around yelling and playing in the street.

There isn't day that goes by that I don't feel grateful. Compared to the other places in the area, where my family and I live is like the best. Not only because where there is a problem in the neighborhood, everyone (in groups) get together and talk about what's going on and find a solution.

Also, the yards in the neighborhood are a pretty good size. The front and the back of our house is very spacious. Our backyard is the best area. I remember this one time where we had a soccer game with two full teams back there. Also from time to time my brother and I play frisbee. Unfortunately he tends to throw it a bit to far and I have to go get the frisbee.

So this is where I live, hope you enjoy my blog.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Blogging Challenge #2.

I think that the only time that students should post a picture of themselves on their blog is when they absolutely have to or there is no other way to get what they want to post onto their blog without taking themselves out of the picture. There are a fews ways to get small things from a picture with you in it. There are softwares like Photoshop. Or you could even retake the picture if it was recent.

Privacy is a big deal, especially when dealing with it in schools. Having a blog is one thing, but once you post a good picture of yourself on it, you may be in trouble. They could easily track you down to your school. And since they have your picture they could hack into the school system and get your personal information and track you down, if they like you enough.

It's unfortunate how many sickos are out there waiting to pry on the unfortunate people who posted their picture on their blog, or just try to because of their twisted minds. It's common sense not to in the first place.

Honestly, you should never really post a picture of yourself on your blog if your using it as part of a class. Now, if you decide to make your own personal blog, that's your business. Overall, if your using a blog for school don't post a picture where you can clearly see yourself. Or if if you do but it's a personal blog, you know the risks, so it's your call.

"I Am" Poem

I am too smart for my classes and I speak my mind.
I wonder why Mr. Neck is so difficult.
I hear gossip about Melinda.
I see Melinda at her locker.
I want to know Melinda a little more.
I am to smart for my classes.

I pretend to care what Mr. Neck says.
I feel inquisitive.
I touch teachers hearts with my intelligence.
I worry about my science grade.
I cry when I'm not top student.
I am too smart for my classes.

I understand all of the subjects.
I say what I believe in.
I dream about my college days.
I try to ask Melinda to go eat pizza.
I hope to be top student.
I am to smart for my classes.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Free blog.

It surprises me how many people think I'm stuck up or judgmental just because I don't talk to people in my classes. Really? Do I look like that type of person? Trust me, I am the complete opposite. Everyone who at least has known me for two years knows I'm not.

I may seem like it but the reason for that is because it's hard for me to let someone into my life because I've seen/ been through a lot that gets me thinking. I can't help it though. especially when someone who I never talk to comes up to me and starts talking to me out of no where. What am I suppose to think? So many people in the past who I thought were friends actually were only interested in copying my class/ home work. Also they were only after something that I could offer like how to do something or even to get answers from a test that I did that they missed.

Basically, I have a hard time trusting people. Why do you think I only have a few friends. Anyways, thats my story for today hope you can better understand me, at least just a little.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Blogging Challenge #1.

I believe you should visit my blog because it's not just by some high school kid who decided to blog, but by student who has an honors English class joined with an Art class. We do art assignments based on what we do in our English class. We get a chance to bring our own personality into our work, especially in our blogs.

Although we do projects in our art class, we aren't always able to post them on our blog, however, we make a post about it with details and a reflection on how it went. This actually gives a chance to see how we could've improved or what we could've done differently.

Some of our assignments we were able to post. Our glog, quote assignment, and our wordle were the three that were posted. The glog is pretty much a visual version of our prepositional phrase assignment. With that, we described a placed that we like and them brought together pictures to form the visual. Our wordle was just words that describes me. This was our very first post. And finally, our quote. I spent quite some time looking for because it had to do with our philosophy on life. I (being a Star Wars fan) picked a Yoda quote, "Do or do not, there is no try."

So lets recap, I'm a high school student who's in an honors Enlgish class joined with an art class who has this blog as part of the class. So who wouldn't want to here/ see my thoughts.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Life of Pi reflection

There were quite few things that I learned from Lie of Pi. The first is what you have to do to be the "alpha male" when dealing with animals. Also what to eat when you run out of or run low on your supplies. And finally, you can survive with a tiger if you know how.

First of all, I didn't know that it took all that work in order to get an animal to obey. So here's what I got from this: A whistle can help you to get the animals attention. Also feeding it when you can, can put the animal under your control. Marking your territory helps keep the animal out of your area without you having to get aggressive or foolish I should say because come on if you try to get a tiger out of your territory your asking for kill.

I didn't know that drinking sea turtle blood could somewhat substitute fresh drinking water. And that turtle could be a delicacy out at sea. I use to think that I'd never eat a turtle but I guess if I'm lost at sea and I want to survive I'll have to get over it.

Now having know all this now, I know how I can go about surviving with a tiger. I'm not saying I won't be scared, but at least I know how to keep my distance. Ensuring that the tiger knows I am the alpha male and that without me it doesn't get food, it's a safe bet it may not attack. So now if it get lost at sea with a tiger, I know what I can do to survive.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Video contrasts

In my opinion, I think that the texting while driving video was more effective. Although it was a bit too dramatic, it was quite impacting. The video against texting while driving can actually make a bigger impact because it's mostly targeted at a bigger audience. The majority( if not all) of those who text while driving are teenagers, and in this country there are a lot. I'm not saying all teenagers who drive do this but for those that do( and the numbers are far greater for the ones that do than those that don't) can hopefully take something from the video and actually stop.

I feel the seat belt video gets its message across better. It is simple, short, and straight to the point. It also gives you an idea right away on what you have to lose or what you can leave behind, your family. Also, what kind of example would you be giving to your children if you yell at them to put their seat belt and you don't? I felt this question can also be taken from the video.

All-in-all, both videos have great messages. It just depends on how you look at it. Everyone knows that texting while driving is stupid and not wearing your seat belt can lead to severe injuries if not death. So use your common sense and don't text while driving and wear you seat belt because do you really what to leave your family this early in your life with sadness and sorrow?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Collaboration post.

Prompt: Write about five things you would do to entertain yourself if you did not see a soul for seven days.

Being alone for so long can get a bit boring, but if you were to make me be alone for that long, I would most certainly find some ways to entertain myself. Depending on the house you're in, you would have different things to choose from to do. If you were in your own house, you would be comfortable and know what your options are, but if you were to be in a house full of entertaining things like games systems or movies there would be a lot of things to explore.

So lets start with the entertaining house. I would make sure that if I were alone for seven days I would have all I wanted to keep me from getting bored. Number one on my list, gaming systems. I'm a gamer, so I play video games a lot. Number two, a movie room. Who doesn't like movie right? I'd make sure I have a big screen tv and a suround sound system for a better sounding movie. Number three, a bowling ally. I would have such a great time making a fool of myself since I don't know how to bowl. I can see it now, I'm getting ready to throw the ball, and BAM! I fall forward and face plant. Number four, an arcade room. I would have classic games to modern ones. I could go for hours playing Pac-Man and Dig-Dug. They are some of my favorite classic games. And finally number five, I would have a room with mechanical parts to build myself a robot. There are umlimited possilities, but the first thing I would do with it would be to have a light saber duel, although, I'm not sure how that would work out.

If I were alone for seven days in my own house, I would definitely find stuff for me to do or else, I would probably die of boredum. First of all, I would find a good book that I haven't gotten a chance to read yet and enjoy it. I would try to read it slowly because it would take more of my time up. Then, I would do some of the stuff that I've been procrastinating about, like hanging up some pictures, doing the laundry, and finishing up any homework that I've left undone. For the third thing, I would go find some of those puzzles that are hidden somewhere in my house and try putting them together. Those would probably take me quite some time because I suck at puzzles. Then, I would go and play some of my video games and watch some movies, because that would keep me occupied and get my mind off being so alone. The fifth and final thing I would do, would be cleaning the entire house top to botttom with music blaring in the background. That would take a LONG time and would most certainly keep me busy and since there would be music, I'd have some fun while doing it.

Obviously this was written by two different people so please bare with us if this sounds odd.
The end.

Written by Danny and Jessica
I wrote the second paragraph and Jessica wrote the third.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Teaching tips

Where to begin..... Oh I know.

Tip 1) Make things more interesting. Having to do the same type of work gets real boring real fast. We're kids and teenagers we want excitement not the same blah blah blah everyday. Trust me, doing the same routine gets you nothing but an argument with a student because they refuse to do the assignment.

Tip 2) Having more projects. Projects lead to research which leads to successful understanding of the topic. They give us the opportunity to make the assignment our own instead of what the teacher has planned. Many assignments can have projects, it's just that teachers probably never thought to include one.

Tip 3) Small breaks between assignments. Considering how some assignments drag on, they sometimes can bring relief when they are done, and jumping right into the next, that's to much. Give us a class period to relax from such a big assignment. I don't think that's such a big deal is it?

Tip 4) Working in groups is a good way to go. Working together in groups can encourage students to want to learn more because they see that it can be fun, especially at an early age. Also, this is a good way to get your students to learn to get along.

Tip 5) Getting one on one time with the teacher. This helps you help the student with their weaknesses and to understand why they aren't doing as good as they're capable of. Also it's a good way to earn the respect and vise-versa of the student instead of just assuming respect is there just because your the teacher and they're the student.

Well those are my tips for teachers hope help.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentine Limericks

There once was a girl named Sam
who enjoyed eating lots of ham
So, on this special day
her boyfriend did say,
"Here, have some ham, ma'am."

The women was smitten
With the man who gave her a kitten
But she had a grudge
And she wouldn't budge
Because she was bit through her mitten.

On Valentine's day
people think to say,
we'll be together,
together forever,
And soon enough, we'll get away.

Here's a little story
That ended in glory
The couple met an oracle,
Who told them of this miracle ,
They would have a daughter named Dory.

Together forever,
Forever together,
The deal was done,
The battle they won,
Separation? Never.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Texting while driving.

Do I text while driving? No and the reason is simple, I don't drive yet, but even If I did, it's common sense not to do the two together because if you do your just asking for an accident. Fortunately I've never been in a car with someone who texts while driving. Usually if I'm with someone who's driving and receives a text message they may ask me to read it to them and respond to it for them( in this situation it's usually my parents) or if it's a friend they may ask me to read and respond or they'll just wait until we fully stop. As for talking on your cell phone, get a bluetooth device they're really inexpensive now, so people can't complain about the price. Now if you're resistant to getting one, then just wait until you can stop somewhere or until you get where you need to go.

There are a few things that could be done to stop or at least minimize the amount of people who text whole driving, but it could go either way ( it could encourage safety or push people to do it more to prove a point). Showing education videos on the dangers of texting while driving could be a key component in reducing those amount of people who do. Also showing those videos to younger kids could get them in a mind set of " I won't ever try that, that's crazy" because frankly, little kids are easy to scare so that may be a good way to stop the next generation from following in our footsteps.

The video we saw today had some impact on me. It might've had more of an impact if I drove or if I rode with people who text while driving, but never the less I felt something. I can't believe poeple don't use common sense when put in this kind of situation. It would hurt to show the video on tv it could actually make a difference it my opinion. Maybe if my sister saw seom educational videos, she might rethink her desire for a cell phone.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Here is my quote, "Do or do not, there is no try".


The quote above pretty much says how I feel about life. There are many people who always say "I'll Try to get that done" or "I'll try to make it tonight". I'm not one of those, I either get it done or I don't do it. The more you "try" you usually end up procrastinating about it, and you could eventually not get the task done. Like it's illustrated in the picture above, you go for it no matter how big the task is or how hard it may be. ../YodaPalpsduel.jpg

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Prepositional Phrase.

After the long journey on the mountain, through the rock, toward the center I rest. It's lightly lit with the light from the sun even though it lies deep within the mountain. It's quiet and damp but it's quite comfortable to me at least. Although it's small, it's my favorite place of all. On the mountain, through the rocks, and toward the center lies my sanctum.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Every teacher I've had lit a match in my life because everyone had something new to teach that came in handy in life. But, there are one or two that made a real difference. The first, is my pre-k teacher Ms. Judy. The second, one of my three JROTC instructors, first sergeant Anaya.

Why my pre-k teacher you ask? Well it's simply because she was my first teacher and because pre-k or kindergarden are where you learn about making friends and how to work in a school environment. She made that experience really great, especially since in came into school not knowing much or any english. She also had a teacher assistant, (which unfortunately I can't recall her name but I can recall the first letter of her name) Ms. L, who was also really great and kind. In fact my family and I ran into her at Sam's Club one. I felt a little relief knowing she was doing good and still around.

First sergeant Anaya has been a real "match lighter" in my life. Ever since I stepped into the JROTC room three years ago, he has been nothing but a great influence. He's helped me achieve goals I never thought possible and to push myself. He has helped push the strength and courage I had to face problems head on even more. Frankly, I feel a bit sad because I'm graduating high school and have to leave. He's been the biggest influence other than my parents and I'm grateful of that.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I don't really have nicknames other than Danny, Eddie-Edgar, and Dannigans. Lets start with Danny. Even though my first name is Edgar my parents decided to refer to me by Daniel. Which turned into Danny( the reason for this is because they will daniel when I'm in trouble and Edgar when I'm really big trouble, which I'm glad has never happened). So after that it just stuck. So there you go the origin of my "Danny" nickname.

As for Eddie-Edgar, Jessica and Suzi came up with it. It happened out of no where, I was walking in from the bus loop, went to our usual spot and BAM!! I get greeted with "Hi Eddie-Edgar". It would have had been the most random thing that's even happened to me. I like it though, because I never expect it when Jessica or Suzi randomly decide to call me Eddie-Edgar.

Dannigans, well it was just another random name that was given to me, but this time by Steve, Suzis brother. That one hasn't really stuck considering he's the only one who calls me that. It's an odd but interesting nickname.

Monday, January 11, 2010

SHe Walks In Mystery.

She walks in mystery, like a night
of cloudy and starless skies;
And all that's worst of dark and might
Meet in her aspects and her eyes;
Thus mellowed out by tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One more shade, one ray less,
Has half impaired the nameless grace
which waves in every raven tress;
Or softly darkened on her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how innocent she appears in this place.

And on that cheek, and on that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet so profound,
The smile that's been lost, the tints that go,
But tell of days in goodness round,
A mind with rage for all below,
A heart whose hate goes around!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Invention of the decade.

What is the best invention of the decade? I'd have to say Youtube. It has a lot of interesting and useful information. It ranges from old tv shows to how to care for certain pets. It's also very entertaining seeing home made videos by other members of youtube. There are a lot of parodys of music videos and skits from shows. Youtube has helped me find out information on how to care for my crested gecko. There are step by step methods on how to set up a good home. Also how to give a crested gecko a "bath" when they can't stick to their tank walls or on anything. I've also taken the time to look up how to learn Russian. I've become pretty facinated with the language over the years so I looked it up on Youtube and presto, Russian 101. My father has also found Youtube to be very useful. He's looked up how to do certain home improvement projects that he knew but had forgotten. And how to use or asemble tools that he's bought in garage sales. I know that there are far better thins that were invented in the past decade, but I like Youtube and I use it a lot and comes in handy when I can prove my parents wrong.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Major strengths.

I'm good at quite a few things. I can relate easily to people, which comes in handy when my friends or family need someone to hear them out. I'm also well organized, which has won me some praise among teachers and my parents. An example of this is when given three or more tasks or errands by First Sergeant Anaya (I'm his teacher aide) I'm able to execute them in the time I set aside for them with no errors.

Also, since I am the ONLY one in my entire family who has experience with computers, they come to me when they need a paper typed or they to look up something that they weren't able to find themselves.

A skill that I have and I really like is being able to think on my feet. This skill comes in handy when I'm put on the spot with nothing prepared. i've actually done this quite a few times(okay a lot of times). Am example of this is when i've had to lie. Don't get me wrong I'm actually quite truthful, but the circumstance called for it. I either had to keep a surprise a surprise or it wasn't the time for .... to be said.

I'm good at math. For some reason I've never had a problem with math, it's always come easy. I've even helped my sister in math last year and still this year.